WANTED!!! SJ's album widely sold in Malaysia!!

Yeah, I'm frustrated at this time being.

I was browsing around in Speedy and found Tohoshinki Secret Code, I was so happy and quickly check if there is any Super Junior's album. I found SNSD's Gee and was overjoyed, if our lovely girls are here, must be SJ is here as well ^^



I ask the girl behind the counter if they sell SJ or had in stock, she didn't know until one dude come out and say: "We had no SJ here,"


No SJ?

Speedy sold Gee and Secret Code, but no Sorry Sorry?

Let alone SHINee then!!!

I want Speedy to sell all SM artists' albums!! ><>

Okies, I'm done wailing. Hahahah~ so, 19th is SHINee's and 17th is the date SJ is going to perform 'It's You'.

My fangirlism is going to be used to the max!!! I really can't wait!!

Today is the day "It's You" is officially released :)

*credits to Himitsue@YouTube

Hmmm......there was an issue on the song's leakage before. I couldn't get my hand to talk about it here before because I'm too tired. But in my mere POV, there is always good side and bad side of all incidents. In this case, I thought it's unethical and disrespective to SJ for spoiling the surprises that they would like to show.

However, the crowd is loving the song! I'm so surprised to see more authors in AKP is in love with 'It's You', they admitted that they're not into SJ before, and it's like a big move. So honeys, don't be so mad. I don't support unethical attitude, yet a little bad thing could give out a huge great turn-out.

Though I had no intention to buy ver.C before, after listening to 'It's You' and seeing this:


I hate to say it reminds me to SHINee a lot, but it does. Not gonna strike my words for that! :P
But ah~ it's beautiful. 

I want them. 

All 13

By myself


*left hand slaps left cheek*


Okay, okay~ in one sentence: Now I want it. 

Still, I'm not sure if I had this effort as much as I had for SJ's ver. A and B before..... 


p/s: I discovered a new world. And suddenly I want to appreciate the whole things that I have right now....
