About Yesungie's case

WARNING:The author of this blog is not against or residing any countries. I'm just asking for people to open their mind and come to think of the issues deeper. This is only a personal blog where I make fun of issues and stars (especially Super Junior :D). Simply not a blog of hate. 

click image to enlarge

"An incident has happened where group Super Junior member YeSung has been introduced as North Korean ruler Kim Jong Il’s 3rd son.

On 7th April, on a Swiss tabloid new site Blick (www.blick.ch), a news reporter who was reporting on Kim Jong Il’s 3rd son had attached the photo of YeSung together with the article. This seems to be a case of confusion because YeSung’s real name is Kim Jong Woon, which coincides with Kim Jong Il’s son’s name. Blick, which is known for their tabloid news, have attached YeSung’s picture with the headlines on the 1st and 14th page of their tabloid news.

This incident was revealed on Korea’s various portal sites and online discussion boards on the 10th.

Super Junior fans have voiced, “I’m speechless”, “I didn’t even try to compare their photos”. While some fans said, “The company should demand for a correction”, “This is not a matter of joke, this is serious matter”.


*cheeks ballooned up*


*reads again*

*cynical smile*

*google Kim Jong Il's son, Kim Jong-un*

Something to share, this is a wiki for Kim Jong-un, the dictator's son (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Jong-un)

This is how he looks like back when he is 11 years-old.

Read the translations of the Swiss magazine here (http://kimchisoju.wordpress.com/2009/04/11/yesung/#more-1281 ) thanks to Jonah@sapphirepearls.wordpress.com for sharing the link.

SM Entertainment had already issues some clarification here (http://www.asiatoday.co.kr/news/view.asp?seq=231983). Thanks to Angel@SJ-World.net for sharing this link and to La'MISS:Fairy@SJ-World.net for the simple translation and summary; 

"It only says that SM asked the tabloid to make a correction and that this chaos was generated because of the fact that Yesung's real name is the same." 

And just in case you guys think that this supposed not to be an issue at all, read this, worth your time to get yourself updated with global issues. Don't tell me you summon your connection just to download pictures, videos, musics and looking for news about your favorite stars? <<---sounds like me dated back to 5 years ago :P


I wonder why the BLICK's crew can do such mistakes? If I, the ordinary person could go around browse and search for some reliable articles before I post in it in my humble blog, why can't the so-called "professional team" do the same thing for their FAMOUS magazine? This is the problem of........big IGNORANCE. 

I still wanna laugh. In fact, first time I bumped to this news, I quickly text P-sshi and she retreated from her bed to look for the article. Both of us laugh out like mad. Only than we discuss what would happen to our poor Yesung. What if the spies from other countries or anyone who wants KJI's down goes and kidnap our Yesung??? O.O *shoo away the negative thoughts, cancel, cancel, cancel*

Still. This is laugh-able. I'm not trying to be insensetive. But I'm laughing at how can a team of a famous tabloid could do SUCH mistakes. When I thought that Malaysian tabloid is the worst, here comes another who makes me appreciate that the level of our country's tabloid is not that annoying. At least not THAT level of annoying. I think it's a very calm act of SM Entertainment not to urge any apologize and only demands for correction. I hope the correction would be ON THE FRONT PAGE just like how they put our Yesung's picture, claiming him as KJI's son.

And to cool everyone down.

cr:sbs.co.kr + alex@sarangsj.wordpress.com

Kim Jong Il's famous star-studded son. Our Yesungie oppa in aegyeo mode.


p/s: Hmmm~~ I think it would be nice to end my blog post with some current issues to share with you guys the next time? At least you won't be labelling my blog as pure entertainment. Hohohohoho~
