Got an email again and this time..... on August 24, 2009 ELF Event Fangirlism Malaysia MalHan Super Junior +
Just In Case You've Forgotten Me.... on August 23, 2009 Birthday ELF Fangirlism Projects Super Junior Survey Video Yesung +
Welcome to Faculty of Hallyu Wave on August 20, 2009 Big Bang Fanboy Fangirlism FTI SHINee Super Junior Super Show Video +
SJ-World Kibum's Birthday Project [REPORT] on August 14, 2009 ELF Fangirlism Kibum Projects Super Junior +
For the 20% Cassiopeia I had in me on August 03, 2009 Cassiopeia DBSK Fangirlism Jaejoong Junsu Video Yoochun +