So! Instead, I did some weight training and its 2.2kgs (5lbs) for both my biceps and triceps. Before this, I just had some push ups and darn it! I'M SO HEAVY I CAN'T PULL MYSELF ROFL!! So I think its best for me to start taming my muscle first with the dumbbell that my papa bought for my brother which went to waste -_____- I was shaky at first (the same thing happened while I'm doing push ups) and its sore so bad, but I know, its a good pain :D
OH! And I did my lunges again after 48 hours of break. Surprisingly, it doesn't hurt so much like it does before :D :D :D I'M SO HAPPY!! And when I'm dancing to Galjeung, I can feel that my kick is much more powerful and it feels easier to do so 8D
Now I need to get down with my abs. I was so afraid to do the crunch since I'm imagining my back bones to break ;_____; I had a lousy vertebrata, it hurts severely when I'm on my menses. Though I had my calcium fixed, I'm still so very afraid to do the crunch. LOL I better not be so paranoid and try first 50 crunches/day :)
I can't wait for the fancams/fanpiccies of the Samsung's Showcase; and all the piccies ^______^ Remember to visit ChocoFam and SJ-WORLD for spazzings and updates! Will update my calorie intake of the day soon enough after 11PM :3
I want to be Krystal and hugs Sulli like this T^T Sulli....why steal unnie's heart? You're so precious, unnie loves you so much ;A; ♥
p/s: Meh~ I want media to ask Yoobin on how she manage to get such abs and shapely legs after all the horrible coverage on her packing some meats a year ago~ Seriously! We had the same issue at the same time but she is so diligent, she got teh abs when I'm still pulling myself together into it LOL