
[VISUAL KEI] Too Many To Share, Too Little Time

If you're still wondering why is this blog Sayanghaeyo


[060610] SJ at Singapore and guess what I'm doing?

8TV Nite Live : Catch up TV FINALLY! XD


:) *90 degrees bows*

S.A.Y.A.N.G is L.O.V.E

Imma be Imma be Imma Imma be . . . .

Thank you for being there. I will now go

I Will Protect Super Junior

My connection is seriously INDECENT

Sayanghaeyo On SSII In Malaysia Issue

Ah!! Eh...Uhm...Oh...Ugh!

Here I send thee my love ^^

Because Mike's FAIL is beyond cute XD

From fangirl to fangirl about being a fangirl

Sayanghaeyo resolutions for 2010 ^^

A Birthday Wish for Dearest 이성민